Rody Blom

Track 1: Citizen science for mosquito surveillance
Marcel Dicke
Primary Supervisor
Sander Koenraadt (WUR)
Maarten Schrama (LU); Frederic Bartumeus (CEAB-CSIC)
Wageningen University & Research
Description PhD project
In February 2020, I started my PhD at the Wageningen University and Research ‘One Health Entomology Group’. I obtained my Master’s degree in Biology at Leiden University in the summer of 2018. During my studies, I became interested in aquatic ecology, ecotoxicology, ecosystem functioning and human-environment interactions. My research projects focused mainly on studying the effects of agricultural stressors (i.e. pesticides and nutrient deposits) on aquatic invertebrates. After my studies, I worked at Leiden University, where I conducted a large-scale experiment to assess the effects of agricultural chemicals and the introduction of invasive cray fish species in ditch systems. In my spare time, I enjoy playing video games, watching football, listening to music, cooking and hanging out with my friends.
I applied for this particular PhD project because of its societal relevance and importance. I believe that by including citizens in the NCOH project we will promote dissertation and understanding of the knowledge that we acquire, which might eventually prove to be useful in future disease risk mitigation. During this PhD, I wish to gain knowledge on the spatiotemporal dynamics of adult mosquito populations and their biting nuisance and host-seeking behaviour. Within my project I combine conventional mosquito trapping methods with citizen science approaches, for instance via The Muggenradar. By doing this, I wish to contribute to a better understanding of mosquitoes, their ecology and their role in disease transmission.
Blood-feeding patterns of Culex pipiens biotype pipiens and pipiens /molestus hybrids in relation to avian community composition in urban habitats
February, 2024
Authors: Rody Blom, Louie Krol, Melissa Langezaal, Maarten Schrama, Krijn B. Trimbos, Daan Wassenaar & Constantianus J. M. Koenraadt
Interactive effects of climate, land use and soil type on Culex pipiens/torrentium abundance
July 6, 2023
Authors: Louie Krol, Rody Blom, Martha Dellar, Jordy G. van der Beek, Arjan C.J. Stroo, Peter M. van Bodegom, Gertjan W. Geerling, Constantianus J.M. Koenraad, Maarten Schrama.
Arbovirus persistence in North-Western Europe: Are mosquitoes the only overwintering pathway?
December 14, 2022
Authors: Rody Blom, Maarten J.J.Schrama, Jeroen Spitzen, Babette F.M.Weller, Anne van der Linden, Reina S.Sikkema, Marion P.G. Koopmans, Constantianus J.M. Koenraadt
Anopheles maculipennis Complex in The Netherlands: First Record of Anopheles daciae (Diptera: Culicidae)
June 29, 2022
Authors: A. Ibáñez-Justicia, Nathalie Smitz, Rody Blom, Ann Vanderheyden, Frans Jacobs, Kenny Meganck, Sophie Gombeer, Thierry Backeljau, Constantianus J. M. Koenraadt, J. S. Griep, Marc De Meyer, Arjan Stroo
Detection of West Nile virus in a common whitethroat (Curruca communis) and Culex mosquitoes in the Netherlands
October 8, 2020
R. S. Sikkema , M. Schrama , T. van den Berg , J. Morren , E. Munger , L. Krol, J. G. van der Beek, R. Blom, I. Chestakova, A. van der Linden , M. Boter, T. van Mastrigt, R. Molenkamp, C. J. M. Koenraadt, J. M. A. van den Brand, B. B. Oude Munnink, M. P. G. Koopmans, H. van der Jeugd
PhD Defense
On Wednesday the 28th of August Rody Blom will defend his PhD thesis titled: ‘Chasing Culex: The effects of landscape configuration and climate on Culex pipiens populations throughout the seasons’.
Walk in: 13:30
Location: Omnia (Building 105, Hoge Steeg 2, 6708 PH Wageningen)
The defense will start at 13:30 sharp, so make sure to be there at least 10-15 minutes in advance.
Read more about attendance and the agenda via here.