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Author: OneHealthPact

One Health PACT / Avans – Lab-student: Rik Hartog

Sixteen 3rd year Biology and Laboratorial Research students are working on OHPACT-related projects within Avans under the supervision of teachers with OHPACT as their client. Within this part of the curriculum of the bachelor education, project based learning is essential. Together with University...

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One Health PACT / Avans – Lab-student: Danique Lichtenberg

Sixteen 3rd year Biology and Laboratorial Research students are working on OHPACT-related projects within Avans under the supervision of teachers with OHPACT as their client. Within this part of the curriculum of the bachelor education, project based learning is essential. Together with University...

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One Health PACT / Avans – Lab-student: Sam van der Ploeg

Sixteen 3rd year Biology and Laboratorial Research students are working on OHPACT-related projects within Avans under the supervision of teachers with OHPACT as their client. Within this part of the curriculum of the bachelor education, project based learning is essential. Together with University...

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One Health PACT / Avans – Lab-student: Bart Geluk

Sixteen 3rd year Biology and Laboratorial Research students are working on OHPACT-related projects within Avans under the supervision of teachers with OHPACT as their client. Within this part of the curriculum of the bachelor education, project based learning is essential. Together with University...

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Unified One Health definition adopted by WHO, FAO, OIE & ENEP

Source: Image Joint Tripartite (FAO, OIE, WHO) and UNEP statement The One Health definition developed by the One Health High Level Expert Panel states: One Health is an integrated, unifying approach that aims to sustainably balance and optimize the health of people, animals and ecosystems....

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de Volkskrant: Hittegolven, muggen en overstromingen

Bron: de Volkskrant “Ook onze gezondheid heeft te lijden onder klimaatverandering. Experts roepen na de hitte- en overstromingsrecords van afgelopen zomer op tot actie. Wat zijn de grootste bedreigingen?” In het Volkskrant artikel “Hittegolven, muggen en overstromingen: hoe...

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2DOC: Nul Muggen

Bron: NPO 2DOC In de NTR-documentaire ‘Nul muggen’ spreekt podcastmaker René van Es met drie  muggenexperts over verschillende radicale methoden om muggen te doden. Wetenschappers werpen alles in de strijd: van muggen genetisch modificeren tot het inzetten van een speciale wonderbacterie....

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One Health PACT / Avans – Lab-student: Melanie Neele

Who am I? My name is Melanie Neele. I am 20 years old and I am currently in the third year of the study Biology and Laboratorial Research at Avans Hogeschool in Breda. What subject will I be focussing on this semester? What will I be researching? I am now doing the specialization Patient-oriented...

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One Health PACT / Avans – Lab-student: Lois Hovenier

Who am I? My name is Lois Hovenier, and I am 19 years old. I am a third-year student studying Biomedical Research at Avans Hogeschool ATGM at Breda. Currently, I am following the specialization Patient-oriented Research. What subject will I be focussing on this semester? What will I be...

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One Health PACT Laboratory Projects within the Avans Curriculum

In the upcoming half year, sixteen 3rd year Biology and Laboratorial Research students work on OHPACT-related projects within Avans under the supervision of teachers with OHPACT as their client. Within this part of the curriculum of the bachelor education, project based learning is essential....

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