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Author: OneHealthPact

One Health Pact Technasium Masterclass 21 april

Op 21 april 2023 vond de tweede Technasium masterclass van One Health Pact plaats. De Technasium scholieren mochten muggen onderzoeken en legden hun onderzoeksvraag voor aan One Health PACT PhD’s Thom van der Most, Eleanor Marshall, Jurgen Moonen en Muriel Aguilar Bretones. Daarnaast hebben de scholieren...

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The pathology of co-infection with Usutu virus and Plasmodium spp. in naturally infected Eurasian blackbirds (Turdus merula)

This publication is part of the project ‘Preparing for vector-borne virus outbreaks in a changing world: a One Health Approach’ (NWA.1160.1S.210) which is (partly) financed by the Dutch Research Council (NWO). Authors: Gianfilippo Agliani, Giuseppe Giglia, Erwin de Bruin, Tjomme van Mastrigt,...

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Meeting KNAW – The threat of bird flu

Watch the recording! On the 12th of April The Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences (KNAW) organized a Symposium about the Threat of Bird Flu. Prof. Marion Koopmans was invited to moderate this session, prof. Ron Fouchier presented. The H5N1 bird flu virus has made the leap from birds...

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Assessing West Nile virus (WNV) and Usutu virus (USUV) exposure in bird ringers in the Netherlands: a high-risk group for WNV and USUV infection?

This publication is part of the project ‘Preparing for vector-borne virus outbreaks in a changing world: a One Health Approach’ (NWA.1160.1S.210) which is (partly) financed by the Dutch Research Council (NWO). Authors: Chiara de Bellegarde de Saint Lary, Louella M.R. Kasbergen, Patricia C.J.L. Bruijning-Verhagen,...

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Deze week is het de Week van de Teek!

Wist jij dat teken virussen bij zich kunnen dragen? In Nederland kennen we vooral de ziekte van Lyme maar in delen van Scandinavië en Midden-Oost Europa komt ook tekenencephalitis voor, een ziekte die door een ‘arbovirus’ wordt veroorzaakt. Recent zijn ook in Nederland enkele teken aangetroffen...

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Today it is World Health Day!

World Health Day is celebrated every year on the anniversary of the founding day of the World Health Organization. Today, April 7th of 2023, the World Health Organization will observe its 75th anniversary! It’s a day to focus on and raise awareness around health issues that affect people all over...

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Improving Europe preparedness and readiness to pandemics

The DURABLE project better prepares Europe for the next pandemic. The new consortium includes virological and epidemiological research laboratories and will receive 25 million euros from the EU. Head of Virology at Erasmus MC and PDPC initiator Marion Koopmans is co-coordinator: ‘The next pandemic...

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7th Dutch Arbovirus Research Network Meeting (DARN), June 8th

Save the date for the 7th Dutch Arbovirus Research Network Meeting (DARN), June 8th, 2023 in Rotterdam The 7th Dutch Arbovirus Research Network (DARN) meeting will facilitate sharing the latest findings in the arbovirology field and connecting arbovirologists in the Netherlands. The DARN 2023...

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Composition and global distribution of the mosquito virome – A comprehensive database of insect-specific viruses

This publication is part of the project ‘Preparing for vector-borne virus outbreaks in a changing world: a One Health Approach’ (NWA.1160.1S.210) which is (partly) financed by the Dutch Research Council (NWO). Authors: Jurgen P. Moonen, Michelle Schinkel, Tom van der Most, Pascal Miesen, Ronald...

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Samenwerking One Health PACT en Technasium

Scholieren Technasium krijgen feedback van One Health PACT PhD’s Op vrijdag 10 maart gaven One Health PACT PhD’s bij de Wageningen University & Research een masterclass over wetenschappelijk onderzoek aan Technasium leerlingen. De leerlingen presenteerden hun onderzoeksopzet en kregen feedback...

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One Health PACT / Avans – Lab-student: Sergio Dries

Three Biology and Laboratorial Research students from Avans are working for the next six months on OHPACT-related projects under the supervision of teachers with OHPACT as their client in the minor bio-informatics. Within this part of the curriculum of the bachelor education, project based learning...

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One Health PACT / Avans – Lab-student: Manon Cortooms

Three Biology and Laboratorial Research students from Avans are working for the next six months on OHPACT-related projects under the supervision of teachers with OHPACT as their client in the minor bio-informatics. Within this part of the curriculum of the bachelor education, project based learning...

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