Author: OneHealthPact
Infectious diseases which cause epidemics and pandemics are on the rise
An eminent panel of disease detectives – including One Health PACT coordinator prof. Marion Koopmans – spells out why the risks are increasing and most importantly, what we can do to predict, prepare and protect ourselves...
Postdoc on the international surveillance for pandemic emergence: From surveillance to action
PDPC is looking to fill a combined 4 year Postdoc position at GGD Rotterdam-Rijnmond and the Department of Viroscience.This vacancy is published on the One Health PACT website as prof. Koopmans is coordinator of One Health PACT and also head of the Department of Viroscience and Scientific Director...
Urban Spaces and Mosquitoes on a Changing Planet | 23-25 March 2023
23-25 March 2023, BarcelonaA multi-disciplinary conference
As a complex socio-ecological problem, mosquito-borne disease cannot be effectively addressed without insights and expertise from a wide range of disciplinary perspectives. While each urban system presents its own challenges, the processes...
Arbovirus persistence in North-Western Europe: Are mosquitoes the only overwintering pathway?
This publication is part of the project ‘Preparing for vector-borne virus outbreaks in a changing world: a One Health Approach’ (NWA.1160.1S.210) which is (partly) financed by the Dutch Research Council (NWO).
Authors: Rody Blom, Maarten J.J.Schrama, Jeroen Spitzen, Babette F.M.Weller, Annevan...
Mischa schreef een boek over zijn moeder: viroloog Marion Koopmans
De coronapandemie maakte van viroloog Marion Koopmans, Coordinator van One Health PACT, een bekende Nederlander. In een nieuw boek, geschreven door haar zoon Mischa Huijsmans, blikt ze terug op haar carrière en de coronajaren. En waarschuwt ze voor de toekomst. ‘In feite gokken we dat we er snel...
Mosquito bite more dangerous due to global warming
Mosquito bites cause a lot of itching in the Netherlands, but fortunately not viral diseases. With the warming climate, however, that may change. What can we do about it? “The emphasis is on prevention”.
“Together we are getting the West Nile virus under control....
Publication | Evaluation of the use of alternative sample types for mosquito-borne flavivirus surveillance: Using Usutu virus as a model
This publication is part of the project ‘Preparing for vector-borne virus outbreaks in a changing world: a One Health Approach’ (NWA.1160.1S.210) which is (partly) financed by the Dutch Research Council (NWO).
Authors: Nnomzie C.Atama, Irina V.Chestakova, Erwinde Bruin, Tijs J. van den Berg,...
Publication | Biting the hand that feeds: Anthropogenic drivers interactively make mosquitoes thrive
This publication is part of the project ‘Preparing for vector-borne virus outbreaks in a changing world: a One Health Approach’ (NWA.1160.1S.210) which is (partly) financed by the Dutch Research Council (NWO).
Authors: S.P. Boerlijst, E.S.Johnston, A.Ummels, L.Krol, E.Boelee, P.M.van Bodegom,...
Two post-doc positions in Spain
Below you can find two job descriptions for two post-doc positions working on vector-borne diseases in Spain.
We are seeking two postdoctoral researchers to incorporate during 2023 to our research team at Estación Biológica de Doñana (Seville, southern Spain). We offer two two-year...
One Health PACT / Avans – Lab-students
13 3rd year Biology and Laboratorial Research students are till the end of January working on OHPACT-related projects within Avans under the supervision of teachers with One Health PACT as their client in the minor bio-informatics. Within this part of the curriculum of the bachelor education, project...
November 3 2022 – One Health Day! One Planet, One Health.
The COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted how extremely vulnerable the world is when unforeseen infectious disease events occur. As the majority of emerging infectious diseases originate in animals, we have to think ánd act from a multi-disciplinary One Health approach and recognize that the health...
Blauwe reiger besmet met westnijlvirus
In Noord-Holland-Noord is een blauwe reiger positief getest op het westnijlvirus. Het virus komt weinig voor in Nederland. Omdat het virus overgebracht wordt door muggen en het muggenseizoen waarin muggen steken nagenoeg voorbij is, zal er waarschijnlijk nu geen verdere verspreiding van het virus...
Anopheles maculipennis Complex in The Netherlands: First Record of Anopheles daciae (Diptera: Culicidae)
This publication is part of the project ‘Preparing for vector-borne virus outbreaks in a changing world: a One Health Approach’ (NWA.1160.1S.210) which is (partly) financed by the Dutch Research Council (NWO).
Authors: A. Ibáñez-Justicia, Nathalie Smitz, Rody Blom, Ann Vanderheyden, Frans...