This publication is part of the project ‘Preparing for vector-borne virus outbreaks in a changing world: a One Health Approach’ (NWA.1160.1S.210) which is (partly) financed by the Dutch Research Council (NWO).
Authors: Clara Delecroix, Egbert H. van Nes, Ingrid A. van de Leemput, Ronny Rotbarth,...
A One Health approach to predict, monitor and prevent arbovirus infections, an extensive case study from the Netherlands – Editorial
This publication is part of the project ‘Preparing for vector-borne virus outbreaks in a changing world: a One Health Approach’ (NWA.1160.1S.210) which is (partly) financed by the Dutch Research Council (NWO).
Authors: Reina S. Sikkema, Maarten Schrama, Barry Rockx, Marion Koopmans
The increasing complexity of arbovirus serology: An in-depth systematic review on cross-reactivity
This publication is part of the project ‘Preparing for vector-borne virus outbreaks in a changing world: a One Health Approach’ (NWA.1160.1S.210) which is (partly) financed by the Dutch Research Council (NWO).
Authors: Louella M. R. Kasbergen , David F. Nieuwenhuijse, Erwin de Bruin, Reina...
One Health PACT Meeting Summary – Friday, September 29th
The One Health PACT meeting took place on Friday, September 29th at Deltares in Delft. The meeting featured presentations from various experts in the field:
Marion Koopmans provided a welcome message and an update on the status of the One Health PACT project.
Uriel Kitron from Emory University...
Lurking in the deep freeze?
Climate change may release dangerous pathogens frozen for centuries in Arctic permafrost. Permafrost can imprison dangerous microbes for centuries. Will the Arctic thaw release them?
A version of this story appeared in Science, Vol 381, Issue 6665.
In 1733, an Inuit boy and girl who...
Flight risks
Changing bird migrations threaten to bring new infectious diseases to humans. Migratory birds efficiently ferry pathogens around the world. As a warming climate reshapes their journeys, infectious disease experts are on guard for new threats to humans.
A version of this story appeared in Science,...
One Health PACT / Avans – Lab-student: Basak Göksu
Three Biology and Laboratorial Research students from Avans are working for the next six months on OHPACT-related projects under the supervision of teachers with OHPACT. Within this part of the curriculum of the bachelor education, project based learning is essential.
One of this students...
One Health PACT / Avans – Lab-student: David Erdkamp
Three Biology and Laboratorial Research students from Avans are working for the next six months on OHPACT-related projects under the supervision of teachers with OHPACT. Within this part of the curriculum of the bachelor education, project based learning is essential.
One of this students...
One Health PACT / Avans – Lab-student: Dieke klein Holkenborg
Three Biology and Laboratorial Research students from Avans are working for the next six months on OHPACT-related projects under the supervision of teachers with OHPACT. Within this part of the curriculum of the bachelor education, project based learning is essential.
One of this students...
Op vakantie? Laat ons weten of je gestoken bent door een mug!
☀️Ga je binnenkort voor 7 dagen of langer kamperen in Nederland of Europa? Doe dan mee aan het One Health Travel onderzoek van OneHealthPACT! Wij hebben jou hard nodig!
🦟 Dit reis-onderzoek is onderdeel van One Health PACT. We onderzoeken of muggen en teken infectieziektes...
Nederlanders die komende maanden op vakantie gaan kunnen de (medische) wetenschap helpen door muggen, teken en de ziektes die zij kunnen overbrengen in kaart te brengen. Iedereen van 18 jaar en ouder die dit jaar zeven dagen of langer op vakantie gaat in Nederland, Europa of het Nederlandse Caraïbisch...
One Health PACT Retreat 2023
On Friday, June 23, the One Health PACT Retreat took place at a special location, namely at Villa Jongerius in Utrecht.
During the Retreat, the PhDs and researchers had a daylong program.
Goal of the day
– To assess and discuss whether we are on track according...
Mosquito Alert Citizen Science project – Final event
On Friday, June 16, the closing meeting of the Mosquito Alert Citizen Science project of One Health PACT and Technasium took place. This project is organized by Prof. Eric van Gorp (Viroscience / One Health PACT) and Carolien Neeve (Technasium), among others.
Starting in March 2023, students from...
Muggen die ziektes verspreiden rukken op, zeker in de vakantielanden
Naar Italië of Griekenland op vakantie? Vorig jaar raakten in beide landen vele honderden mensen besmet met het westnijlvirus. En die aantallen nemen alleen maar toe, waarschuwt het Europees Centrum voor ziektepreventie en -bestrijding (ECDC). ,,Ook in Nederland krijgen we ermee te maken.”