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Mosquito bite more dangerous due to global warming

Mosquito bites cause a lot of itching in the Netherlands, but fortunately not viral diseases. With the warming climate, however, that may change. What can we do about it? “The emphasis is on prevention”.  “Together we are getting the West Nile virus under control....

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Publication | Evaluation of the use of alternative sample types for mosquito-borne flavivirus surveillance: Using Usutu virus as a model

This publication is part of the project ‘Preparing for vector-borne virus outbreaks in a changing world: a One Health Approach’ (NWA.1160.1S.210) which is (partly) financed by the Dutch Research Council (NWO). Authors: Nnomzie C.Atama, Irina V.Chestakova, Erwinde Bruin, Tijs J. van den Berg,...

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Two post-doc positions in Spain

Below you can find two job descriptions for two post-doc positions working on vector-borne diseases in Spain. We are seeking two postdoctoral researchers to incorporate during 2023 to our research team at Estación Biológica de Doñana (Seville, southern Spain). We offer two two-year...

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One Health PACT / Avans – Lab-students

13 3rd year Biology and Laboratorial Research students are till the end of January working on OHPACT-related projects within Avans under the supervision of teachers with One Health PACT as their client in the minor bio-informatics. Within this part of the curriculum of the bachelor education, project...

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November 3 2022 – One Health Day! One Planet, One Health.

The COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted how extremely vulnerable the world is when unforeseen infectious disease events occur. As the majority of emerging infectious diseases originate in animals, we have to think ánd act from  a multi-disciplinary One Health approach and recognize that the health...

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Blauwe reiger besmet met westnijlvirus

In Noord-Holland-Noord is een blauwe reiger positief getest op het westnijlvirus. Het virus komt weinig voor in Nederland. Omdat het virus overgebracht wordt door muggen en het muggenseizoen waarin muggen steken nagenoeg voorbij is, zal er waarschijnlijk nu geen verdere verspreiding van het virus...

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PhD Rody Blom vertelt over zijn onderzoek

Wat voor muggen komen er in Nederland voor en welke virussen dragen zij met zich mee?One Health PACT onderzoeker PhD Rody Blom vangt zowel in de zomer als in de winter muggen. Dit doet hij om een beter idee te krijgen van de ecologie (de wetenschap die de relatie tussen organismen en hun milieu bestudeert)...

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PRESS RELEASE | Annoyed by mosquitoes? Take a picture!

European scientists need the help of citizens in tracking mosquitoes. Therefore, download the Mosquito Alert App and share your pictures of mosquitoes, mosquito bites and mosquito breeding sites. The more photos are submitted, the better the scientists can identify mosquito species, map their locations...

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